Whew say that 10 times fast!... For real though if you haven't found an [enthralling] workout yet- it is time that you do find one. Seriously, it's June everyone, it is go time!

We can only keep blaming the year 2020 for so long before we start holding ourselves accountable again. Believe me, I empathize with you in that last year changed me deep down to the core but getting back to healthy habits has helped me move along to happier days again. It saddens me how many clients I have talked to in the last several months who have not yet gotten back into a routine that makes them feel calm amongst the chaos of life. I can preach to you all day but I so badly want for you to make yourself find something that you look forward to doing that moves your body & activates your happy hormones. YOU deserve to give yourself that feeling. YOU deserve those 20-60 minutes daily.
I am going to keep this short & sweet. The point is this- if you have made it to this blog post it is because you were scrolling on Instagram or Facebook & clicked on it. Great, I am glad that you saw my post & were interested enough to be here. Now I want you to finish this paragraph, close out of all of your social media apps & then open either your calendar, your reminders app, your alarm or your pen & paper. Pull up or go grab whatever you use for reminders on a daily basis. By the end of this week you are going to have planned & completed some form of movement that you have been wanting to try but have been holding back from doing or not making a priority. We have so many opportunities in this modern world that make working out SO EASY. If you are local to the Clinton County or Madison County area then you know you have a handful of AMAZING gyms + studios to try out. If you are scared to walk into a studio, reach out to me, let me prep your mind + body to feel confident to do the things you have always wanted to do. Let me personally train you or help you ease into the group setting at a pop-up... sign up here: https://www.livfitish.com/events-and-experiences.
Let me help you ignite your inner badass.
